Happy Friday!! As the structure of our new home progresses further and further everyday the design is starting to come together as well. When we started the process of designing and building our new home I chose to not work with a designer as I felt like it would feel the most like home if we went about the design ourselves. I’ve definitely questioned this decision a few times and if you’ve ever built a home or done any sort or remodeling you know the amount of decisions can be SO overwhelming. I have found that when I go room by room it feels less of a task than looking at the whole house at once. Of course the house needs to flow and feel cohesive so there have been several instances I’ve had to think more big picture as well but having a clear vision of each room helps with that. I want to take you room by room to show you some inspiration as well as some pieces that I have already purchased. The family room has been my main focus lately as its the biggest area on our main floor and you see it right when you walk into the house. My main goal for this room was for it to feel warm, welcoming and very comfortable. The theme of the house is a Modern Farmhouse so my color palette for this room is whites and light neutrals paired with wood tones and black accent pieces. The picture below shows the family room (it was taken a couple months ago but it still gives an idea of the space). I’ve also included some inspiration photos and the pieces I have bought so far. I plan on doing this for every room in the house so stay tuned in the coming weeks.


When I look for inspiration I am not looking to copy anything verbatim as the point of this home is it to feel perfect for my family and our life, but instead I look to copy a feeling I get from certain aesthetics. Here are some examples of how I want our family room to feel.

Pieces Purchased So Far:

As I have also learned through this process designing and finding inspiration for a new home is one thing but pulling the trigger and actually buying items is another. Our family room in particular has consisted of dozens of decisions that have had to be make so I’m relieved we are at a point that I can start thinking about things like the furniture and lighting. Here are a few pieces we have bought so far and I cannot wait to see them in the finished room.

Happy Friday Eve!! Its been a hot second since I have shared a home update and we have definitely made some major progress over the last several weeks. It has transformed from what looked like just a few random pieces of wood to a full fledged home in a matter of weeks. The last couple weeks have consisted of plumbing, electrical, hvac, and a lot more of the nitty gritty I wish I could tell you about but honestly don’t know any more than that its necessary for a house. What I can talk to is the design…from the exposed beams to the tile and flooring I have been having the best time (for the most part) making all of the selections. This is a custom home so I feel pretty overwhelmed some days at the infinite amount of options but am trying to take it one step at a time. At this point we have made a majority of the decisions and now its just a waiting game to see it all come to life. A custom home build definitely isn’t for the faint of heart but we feel so lucky and grateful everyday to get to go through this experience (even on the days it seems like it will never be done). If your new to following me be sure to check out my last post to see some of our design inspiration and hear more about the process so far.

I’ve been trying my best to capture the progress and here are a few snaps of how far we’ve come!!

It starting to kind of resemble a house
The start to our roof and more rooms!!
Roof, garage door and window…hooray!!!
All of these windows on the back of the house make me so happy!!
View from our family room…not bad right!?!
Our tile selections…I love mixing dark and light together!!

I have been looking forward to writing this post for so so long and I am ecstatic that it is finally going live!! If you know me or have been following me a while you have probably heard me mention this mythical home we are building quite a few times over the last year +. Truth is we have been in the building process for what seems like forever and hit about every roadblock possible. But with all the drama behind us (hopefully) our house is officially underway (it has been for a few months now) and I am so excited to bring you all along on the journey with us!!

I’ll start with a little backstory of how this process started for us. In December of 2016 we purchased some property in Golden, CO with some family members. There were a total of 7 acres that we decided rather than keeping as one land parcel we would subdivide into 3. This process was probably the longest most excruciating part and what we thought would just take a few months ended up taking over a year. In the spring of 2018 we had completed the subdivision process and Chad and I had a 1.6 acre lot for our future home.

It seemed pretty straight forward from there, find a builder and build a home…simple right?!? If you’ve ever been part of a custom home building process you know indeed it is not that simple and another process that we thought would be relatively quick ended up taking months and months longer. We discovered finding the right builder for us would not be as simple as it sounds. After working for a short period with 2 separate builders we knew we needed to keep looking for a builder with our same vision and that considered us a top priority. This past summer we connected with our now builder (third times the charm) adjusted our original house plans with our architect and FINALLY we were able to get our new home underway.

I could probably spend hours giving you all the nitty gritty of every road block and hardship we encountered but I’ll spare you all the crazy details. I will say through this process we have experienced every emotion possible from sheer joy to frustration and sadness wondering if our new home would every actually be a reality. It sounds dramatic I know but after putting countless hours and financial resources into something its hard to swallow that it might not actually come to fruition. I will say though I honestly try and remind myself daily that the drama of building our new home isn’t the worst issue to have and am so thankful we have been able to make it a reality!!!

I’ve shared our house plans and some of my inspiration for parts of the house below. I truly can’t wait to take you all on this journey with us!! And if you are currently building a new house or thinking about it feel free to reach out and I would be happy to share everything I’ve learned along the way and am always open to any tips/tricks or advice you all have up your sleeves.

Kitchen Inspo

Master Bedroom Inspo

Master Bath Inspo

Girls Bedroom Inspo

Exterior Inspo

Laundry Inspo

I think I say it every year at this time but I can never get over how much changes in 365 days. We have taken our family pics at this same time for the last 5 years and I love to watch my babes grow and change. Same as every year but I love how the pictures turned out this year and I love capturing my family in all our different chapters of life. We took these pics on our property in Golden, Colorado where we are building our house which makes them that much more special. Hope you enjoy!!!


Believe it or not there are ONLY 90 days left in the year. This number gives me both anxiety and relief. Anxiety that another year has flown by, my girls are both a year older and I feel like I just am just getting used to writing 2018 on things. But at the same time 90 days still feels like enough time to truly accomplish some meaningful intentions of my own. I just started reading (I should actually say listening…I love listening to audio books on my daily drives) Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Holis (which I would highly recommend) which prompted me to start following Rachel on Instagram. This is where I got the idea of that last 90 days.

Every month I like to sit down and write a few intentions for the month that I feel will help me grow as a mother, wife, working professional or just human in general. For the last 90 days I basically just expanded this list and came up with a few intentions I’d love to accomplish before the start of a new year. I love the idea of ending the year as the best version of my self as currently possible. Below is a peak into my intentions for the next 90 days. I always feel like writing my intentions down will put that much more importance on them but I have never shared them before so you will all be witness to either my success or failure with these intentions.

Attitude of gratitude every single day – a little background for this one…I truly believe being grateful for the things you have leads to discovering new and better things in your life so I try my best to thank the universe everyday for the things in my life I am most grateful for.
Drink 1 gallon of water every single day
Pure Barre 3-4 times a week
Complete Pure Barre Challenge classes
Run Minimum 1-2 mile 3-4 times a week
Instagram post every single day
2-3 Instagram stories every single day
24 blog posts
Read 3 books
Listen to 6 audio books
80/20 eating moto
6 date nights with hubby
6 date days with little babes

It makes me a little weepy to think another year has gone by since our last family photo session and to realize my babies are babies no more. Every year I feel like I can freeze time for just a second when we capture these images. Of course my goal is to always get the “perfect” family photo with us all looking forward and smiling but I have realized as great as those kind of photos may be, my favorites always end up being the more candid moments.From the lighting to the outfits to the location I loved everything about these this year. I especially love that this is the exact spot our new home with be next year…yay!!!

They say the days are long but the years are short; a saying I have heard a million times but never really understood until I had kids and I feel like the perfect way to sum up this post. Hope you enjoy!!

Scroll to the very bottom for my outfit details, this Free People dress was so flowy and comfortable!!



Hey all…welcome to my first official blog post!! I wanted to get this whole thing started with a little more info into who I am, what my blog is all about and most importantly who the three cuties below are.

I created Chasing Charli as an outlet to share basically everything I love. You will find anything from my personal style, healthy living, keeping up as a working and traveling momma, beauty faves, and everything in between. For years I have relied on other blogs to inspire and inform me on a range of topics, I finally decided rather than just following along I would dive in and create a little space of my own.

Now to the really important stuff, an introduction to my three favorite people. I met my husband Chad in high-school, I am 27 now so if you do the math that means we have been together for 11 years…basically my whole adult life. We have grown up together and in that 11 years became closer and more in love then ever. Not only are we each others biggest supporters but we truly know each other better then anyone. We got married in 2012 and life has been moving non-stop ever since.

A year after getting married we found out we had a baby girl on the way. On September 13th 2013 Charli Grace changed the course of our lives forever. Not only is she stinking cute but she is one of the brightest, kindest little girls around…with a little side of mischievous.

2 years and 3 days later our little family increased by one when Leighton Cole made her debut. She is sweet, sassy and about as adorable as they come.

Working full time in Marketing, raising kids, building a new house, starting a new blog adventure and the rest of life keeps me on my toes, but I definitely would not change a thing.

My biggest hope when visiting my blog is to offer something to someone. Whether it be style inspiration or even just a mid afternoon sanity check I hope to find an audience that can relate in one way or another.

Feel free to ask any questions that might pop up, I’m pretty much an open book. Enjoy!!


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