It’s Official!! We are building a new home!!

I have been looking forward to writing this post for so so long and I am ecstatic that it is finally going live!! If you know me or have been following me a while you have probably heard me mention this mythical home we are building quite a few times over the last year +. Truth is we have been in the building process for what seems like forever and hit about every roadblock possible. But with all the drama behind us (hopefully) our house is officially underway (it has been for a few months now) and I am so excited to bring you all along on the journey with us!!

I’ll start with a little backstory of how this process started for us. In December of 2016 we purchased some property in Golden, CO with some family members. There were a total of 7 acres that we decided rather than keeping as one land parcel we would subdivide into 3. This process was probably the longest most excruciating part and what we thought would just take a few months ended up taking over a year. In the spring of 2018 we had completed the subdivision process and Chad and I had a 1.6 acre lot for our future home.

It seemed pretty straight forward from there, find a builder and build a home…simple right?!? If you’ve ever been part of a custom home building process you know indeed it is not that simple and another process that we thought would be relatively quick ended up taking months and months longer. We discovered finding the right builder for us would not be as simple as it sounds. After working for a short period with 2 separate builders we knew we needed to keep looking for a builder with our same vision and that considered us a top priority. This past summer we connected with our now builder (third times the charm) adjusted our original house plans with our architect and FINALLY we were able to get our new home underway.

I could probably spend hours giving you all the nitty gritty of every road block and hardship we encountered but I’ll spare you all the crazy details. I will say through this process we have experienced every emotion possible from sheer joy to frustration and sadness wondering if our new home would every actually be a reality. It sounds dramatic I know but after putting countless hours and financial resources into something its hard to swallow that it might not actually come to fruition. I will say though I honestly try and remind myself daily that the drama of building our new home isn’t the worst issue to have and am so thankful we have been able to make it a reality!!!

I’ve shared our house plans and some of my inspiration for parts of the house below. I truly can’t wait to take you all on this journey with us!! And if you are currently building a new house or thinking about it feel free to reach out and I would be happy to share everything I’ve learned along the way and am always open to any tips/tricks or advice you all have up your sleeves.

Kitchen Inspo

Master Bedroom Inspo

Master Bath Inspo

Girls Bedroom Inspo

Exterior Inspo

Laundry Inspo

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