Entries by Nichole

Master Closet By Closet Factory

Well today is the day…it is officially move in day!! We have been waiting so long for this day and this whole process has been such a roller coaster but we are so excited to be spending our first night in our new home!! I honestly love every square inch of our new home and…

House Update: Master Closet

Happy Monday everyone!! Life has been so incredible hectic lately as we are coming into the final stages of our new home. From cabinet hardware, lighting, paint and so many other details it has all been moving so fast and has kind of been a blur. So needless to say it has been a hot…

House Update: Kitchen

Happy Saturday!! Its been a minute since I’ve shared a house update and there has been so many exciting things happening lately. One of which is our new kitchen being pieced together. The cabinets are being installed and countertops are coming in next week. Its been so amazing to watch everything come together and I…

House Update: Exterior

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! I have been pretty MIA on here lately because I have been traveling like crazy for work and that just makes everything else in life feel harder. But I’m super excited to be back and even more excited to be sharing a house update!! We are about 90 days out from move…

House Update: Family Room

Happy Friday!! As the structure of our new home progresses further and further everyday the design is starting to come together as well. When we started the process of designing and building our new home I chose to not work with a designer as I felt like it would feel the most like home if…

House Update Two

Happy Friday Eve!! Its been a hot second since I have shared a home update and we have definitely made some major progress over the last several weeks. It has transformed from what looked like just a few random pieces of wood to a full fledged home in a matter of weeks. The last couple…

It’s Official!! We are building a new home!!

I have been looking forward to writing this post for so so long and I am ecstatic that it is finally going live!! If you know me or have been following me a while you have probably heard me mention this mythical home we are building quite a few times over the last year +.…

The McKune’s 2018

I think I say it every year at this time but I can never get over how much changes in 365 days. We have taken our family pics at this same time for the last 5 years and I love to watch my babes grow and change. Same as every year but I love how…

The Last 90 Days

Believe it or not there are ONLY 90 days left in the year. This number gives me both anxiety and relief. Anxiety that another year has flown by, my girls are both a year older and I feel like I just am just getting used to writing 2018 on things. But at the same time…

The Days Are Long, But The Years Are Short

It makes me a little weepy to think another year has gone by since our last family photo session and to realize my babies are babies no more. Every year I feel like I can freeze time for just a second when we capture these images. Of course my goal is to always get the…